CATCH THE RAIN is an rain water harvesting initiative by Government of India. Greenly supports the initiative by offering a futuristic and new-fangled rainwater harvesting system that efficiently collects and conserves the rainwater from all your premises. Rainwater harvesting is a simple low-cost technique that requires minimum specific expertise or knowledge and offers many benefits. Our alliance with(Indo-German) RPV WISY Enterprises makes your rainwater harvesting system much more operative and revolutionary for your traditional shortcomings. We provide integrated water resource management in Delhi and Mumbai

Domicile Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is emerging as an intelligent option for water supply in residential applications. A home integrated with a rainwater harvesting system offers much to gain without sacrifice. The engineered system combines natural processes and high technology to collect, store, and use the very best water. Rainwater harvesting provides many benefits to be enjoyed personally at home. And also that will satisfy your basic needs.


Commercial Rainwater Harvesting

Office buildings, shopping centers, apartment buildings, and other commercial properties can reap substantial benefits from rainwater harvesting. Collection and reuse eliminate periodic demand stress on public water sources. Using harvested rainwater can reduce water bills in some areas and may be eligible for tax incentives


Landscape Irrigation

Collecting rainwater provides a new resource, a clean source of water for landscape irrigation. Rainwater is naturally designed to water plants and it can easily be used for your indoor and outdoor gardens. Harvesting rainwater can reduce the use of drinking water for landscape irrigation. It is also an effective water conservation tool and proves more beneficial when coupled with the use of native, low-water-use, and desert-adapted plants. You can also attach any rainwater storage tanks directly to an automatic irrigation system.


Rain filtration

A basic rainwater collection system catches rainwater from your roof or other surface
and channels it into a container for storage. It’s to ensure that it is kept in the best
possible condition, to avoid degradation of biological material, development of odors,
microorganisms, pollutants, and debris


Water Standard

Rainwater contains calcium, magnesium, iron, and fluoride in appropriate concentrations that are considered very essential for health. Although most essential nutrients are derived from food, the lack of minerals, including calcium and magnesium, in rainwater may represent a concern for those on a mineral-deficient diet.


Service Assistance

Our sophisticated professionals will take care of the routine maintenance of the products. Proper operation and maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems help to protect water quality in several ways. Regular overhaul and cleaning of the catchment, gutters, filters, and tanks reduce the likelihood of contamination.